2 min

Making a Difference through Hygiene Kit Donations

Updated: Nov 20, 2023

Once a year, on 'Make a Difference Day', our family donates hygiene kits to the unhoused. I find this to be a fun activity that teaches children about giving back by doing something meaningful.

In the US, Make a Difference Day is an annual observance that encourages individuals and communities to come together and make a positive impact in their surroundings. Celebrated on the fourth Saturday in October, Make a Difference Day serves as a reminder of the collective power of small acts of kindness and service. It is a day when people volunteer their time, skills, and resources to engage in various community service projects, ranging from environmental clean-ups to food drives, from mentoring programs to educational initiatives.

Of course, you don't have to wait until October to give back to society. If you would like to participate in a hygiene kit donation activity, this article will help.

There are FOUR simple steps here:

  1. Contact a local shelter to check if they will accept hygiene kits. Check if there are specific products they need or don't need

  2. Buy bags to separate and transport the kits, and have a stapler and sharpie pen handy

  3. Go shopping at your local dollar store (or hit sales at Target / Walmart / Amazon). Remember to buy bags. Buy ribbons and labels if you want things to look pretty

  4. Create packages as a family activity and drop the bags off

Obviously, you can have any budget, big or small. It is really the thought that matters, and the fact that we are doing what we can to help.

For our hygiene kits, we spent $100. We bought everything from our local dollar store.

We bought the following items:

  • Toothpaste

  • Toothbrush

  • Disposable razors

  • Socks

  • Bar soaps

  • Shampoo

  • Lotion

  • Sunscreen

  • Deodorant

  • Chapstick

  • Sanitary napkins

  • Kleenex tissues

You can buy something similar, mix and match, make and label separately for men and women, depending on the products you buy. My daughter had a good time 'decorating' the bags and felt quite included in the process of giving back.

Then, we drove about thirty minutes to drop off all the kits at the Union Station Homeless Services in downtown Los Angeles.

This is a simple and meaningful family activity. Hopefully, this inspires some of you to do something special too.

Remember, YOU are enough. It starts with YOU.

What YOU do makes a difference.

#giveback #togetherwecan

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