2 min

Celebrating Korea w/ Korean-style Bean Sprouts

Updated: May 25, 2022

I have always loved bean sprouts but somehow, I could never make them tasty....Until now. I now have the secret to a side dish of fantastic bean sprouts! And they are so healthy too!

Here is how to make this dish!


  • 1 packet of bean sprouts (find them in the fresh section of your local grocery store)

  • 1 tablespoons of Korean-style sesame oil (any oil is OK really, this one brings just a tiny authenticity in taste)

  • 1 clove of garlic, minced

  • 1 tiny shallot, finely cut

  • Salt and pepper

  • 1 tablespoon of gochugaru (Korean chili flakes)

  • 2 tablespoons of Tamari (you can use regularly soy sauce too, Tamari is gluten-free)

  • 1 tablespoon of rice vinegar

  • Dash of maple syrup (substitute with brown sugar, honey or any sweetener)

How to make

Start by pouring sesame oil on your pan. Add the garlic and the onions are cook until brown. Then add the bean sprouts.

Then, add the tamari, rice vinegar, maple, salt and pepper. If you like less salt in your food, you can essentially just skip the salt because Tamari is basically soy sauce which is already salty.

The star of this dish is this Korean spice - Gochugaru. It is not all that spicy but the seasoning has a distinct flavor which is amazeballs! I bought it at Whole Foods but you can find them on Amazon or your local H-Mart. I can assure you I will be making a ton of food with this spice!

Bean sprouts is 90% water so you will see a ton of water being released as you cook them. Cook until most of that water is absorbed. Serve warm!

Green Sea Shells is all about the joyful pursuit of happiness. Healthy living is happy living! Join me as I celebrate cultures through healthy food. Subscribe to the blog updates and follow me on social media platforms on FaceBook, Instagram and Twitter.

You will see a few affiliate Amazon links in this post. These are the products I bought to make this dish. Know that if you go through them and make a purchase, I will earn a commission.